About Hawaii Gift Planning Council
Aloha and Welcome to the Hawaii Gift Planning Council,
Our mission is to create opportunities to change Hawaii and the world through charitable giving.
We facilitate, coordinate, and encourage the education and training of the charitable gift planning community and foster collaboration among members of the legal, financial, and fund development professions in order to best meet the charitable, financial, and estate planning needs of donors and clients.
The Hawaii Gift Planning Council (HGPC) is one of nearly 100 councils of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners (CGP), which includes approximately 10,000 members nationwide. HGPC members range from fund development professionals with varied levels of experience in planned giving, to attorneys and wealth advisors with extensive experience.
Expertise in charitable gift planning has never been more relevant than today for financial and estate planners nationwide. Attorneys, accountants, development officers, wealth advisors, insurance executives, trust officers and other financial services professionals can all benefit from HGPC member services and networking. We invite you to join us and become involved in the community of gift planners, representing a range of professions in Hawaii.
The information contained on this site is not intended as legal or tax advice and is provided solely for informational purposes to the members of the Hawaii Gift Planning Council.